Friday, January 29, 2010

GLCEDC in Futures and Commodity Market News

GLCEDC was featured in the Futures and Commodity Market News this week in regards to the recovery zone bonds passed by the County Board.

The recovery zone bonds are a financing opportunity through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009. This bond program makes funding available for both public bodies and private businesses.

Follow the link for the full article.

High Speed Rail in Central Illinois

Several people in the past few days have asked us if we know anything about the high speed rail proposals in central Illinois. Yesterday President Obama announced that the State of Illinois will receive roughly $1.2 Billion for the rail corridor from St. Louis to Chicago.

The Pantagraph states that the Pontiac and Dwight stations will receive upgrades including air conditioning, parking, and lighted message boards and sections of track between Odell and Godfrey will be improved.

See The Pantagraph article for more information on this project.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Educational Opportunities This Winter

The following classes are available for all those running a small business or thinking of starting a small business. Many of these classes are free or charge a small fee.

ISU Small Business Development Center Seminar: Starting Your Business in Illinois

SCORE seminar: Mastering QuickBooks

Bradley University Turner Center for Entrepreneurship: variety of seminars for small
business owners or those thinking of starting a small business

Free Business Tax Seminars through the Illinois Department of Revenue

Please go to the GLCEDC Calendar page for more information and links to registration.

Monday, January 11, 2010

P.R.O.U.D. video

P.R.O.U.D. of Pontiac, IL recently released a video capturing the things they have been hard at work with over the past year. Congratulations to P.R.O.U.D. for all your success.

Friday, January 8, 2010

IRS Virtual Workshop: Small Businesses and Self Employed

The IRS has developed a virtual workshop for small business owners and self employed individuals. The virtual workshop includes 9 lessons that will help you navigate your complicated tax forms. Because it is a an virtual workshop, you can skip to the lessons that apply to you.

Follow the link to begin: