Thursday, January 5, 2012

GLCEDC Annual Meeting Scheduled for January 18

The 2012 GLCEDC Annual Meeting will be held on January 18 at 5:00 pm at the Country Mansion in Dwight.  This year, we will offer a plated salad, buffet meal, dessert and a cash bar.  Tickets are now on sale for $20 each (covers cost) and are available at the Dwight Country Mansion, Dwight Village Hall, and the GLCEDC office.

Businesses may reserve a table for 10 guests ($200), otherwise, the event will be open seating. Tickets can also be purchased at the event, but you must RSVP by replying to this email before January 11th so that we have an accurate count for the Mansion.

The event is open to Invested Members and Guests.  Our Keynote Speaker will be Ms. Colleen Callahan, IL Director of Rural Development.  Staff will also deliver a "Livingston County by the Numbers" presentation, that will outline the economic picture of the county and also provide a few hi-lights from our recent survey of area businesses.