Monday, March 29, 2010

The Healthcare Bill and Small Businesses

I recently ran across several articles that may help small business owners better understand how the Healthcare bill may affect their businesses.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590) Implementation Timeline - The Healthcare bill involves taxes and obligations that will come in to effect over the next several years. This article provides a concise timeline of events. It is important to remember that the provisions passed on March 23, 2010 could change based on the Reconciliation Bill that is currently being considered by Congress.

Health Reform Bill: Provisions Applicable to Small Business
- This article provides information on the Healthcare bill's provisions that will directly affect small businesses. It also includes a lengthy quote from the Chairwoman of the Senate's Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

GLCEDC CEO Interview

Larry Vaupel, GLCEDC CEO, was recently interviewed by the Pontiac Daily Leader on a variety of different topics. Larry answered questions regarding the recovering economy, targeting growth industries, and current economic development activities going on in Livingston county. Please follow this link to the article.

“We are geared up to operate for the economy to improve slowly,” Larry Vaupel said. “We are assuming a slow recovery and are targeting industries that are growth industries. “

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pontiac RV in the News

GLCEDC member, Pontiac RV, was featured in a Pantagraph article today on successfully weathering the recession. The company has also expanded to include a retail parts and accessories store. Even with smaller sales, Pontiac RV was responsible for one of every 10 units sold in Illinois last year. Congratulations to the Kafer and Farrell families and the employees at Pontiac RV for all their success.

To read the full article, click here.

"We didn't know what was going to happen, and we took it day by day," Kent Kafer said. "One of the things we did was to take control over our inventory. We were never really concerned that we would close because it's a family-owned business and we don't live really high."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mike Stoecklin, Volunteer of the Year

GLCEDC Executive Committee Chairman, Mike Stoecklin was awarded the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year award last week at the Chamber's annual banquet. Mike was honored for his work with the GLCEDC and other services to our community.

Please visit the Pontiac Daily Leader for more on this story.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogs for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

The blog world can be daunting. Who really has the time to sift through all of it? But taking a few minutes every couple of days to look through some helpful blogs could be useful for you. I've recently found three blogs that you may find useful if you run (or would like to run) a small business:

Small Business Trends One of the best features of this blog is the daily "Small Business News" article. The folks at Small Business Trends keep an eye on all of the other blogs and websites out there for business owners and summarizes the day's news, tips, and training opportunities. That way you don't have to go out searching for things.

Small Biz Survival This blog is specifically for small business owners in rural areas. The blog is run by a small business owner in Oklahoma. It is especially good for those in the tourism industry.

The Wall Street Journal: Small Business This site provides a lot of good national information for small business owners. It provides practical advice and case studies of small businesses. The current headline is "The Best Tax Breaks for Small Business" so be sure to check it out this month.

Lastly, one way that I keep track of the blogs and websites is to put them in my Google Reader account. All you need to do is set up a free account and google will walk you through the process. Another hint with google reader: you can add Google Alerts with your company's name to your Google Reader account. This will allow you to get all the information about what is being said about your business online.

I hope this was helpful! Please feel free to leave us a comment or send me an email ( about what we could post that would be helpful to you. Also, don't forget to subscribe to this blog and updates will be sent to you directly.