Thursday, August 25, 2011

LC Unemployment Rate is Below National and State Averages

Ladonna Russell from the Grundy Livingston Kankakee Workforce Board notes the following about Livingston County's current unemployment rate of 8.5%. This is below the National average of 9.1% and the State average of 9.5%.

"July 2011 County unemployment rates were release this afternoon. Livingston County UI rate for July is 8.5% or 1,628 individuals unemployed. This rate has remained steady with only a little variation. If you compare the rate to the same time as last year (July 2010), the rate has drastically dropped. The July 2010 rate was 10.5% or 2,067 individuals unemployed. This is good news."

Good news, indeed.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Free Webinar this Friday

FRIDAY: Webinar Promotes Rural Small Business Development
White House Rural Council Members Delta Regional Authority & Appalachian Regional Commission Highlight Efforts to Promote Job and Economic Growth in Rural America

Webinar on Rural Small Business Development

Friday, August 26, 2011
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM EDT

  • John Fernandez, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, U.S. Economic Development Administration
  • Chris Masingill, Federal Co-Chairman, Delta Regional Authority
  • Earl Gohl, Federal Co-Chairman, Appalachian Regional Commission

On Friday, August 26, 2011, White House Rural Council members, Delta Regional Authority and Appalachian Regional Commission, will join U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development John Fernandez for a webinar to discuss strategic efforts to promote rural small business development. President Obama signed an Executive Order in June establishing the first White House Rural Council to ensure Federal resources are being coordinated across the government to strengthen rural communities and accelerate growth. Last week, the President announced a series of initiatives that leverage existing programs and funding to help small businesses and to meet other critical needs in rural communities.

The GLCEDC will host a viewing of this webinar. All are welcome to watch it at our new office located at 210 W. Water St. in Pontiac. Please email to RSVP.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Business a Little Slow Today? Offer an Instant Coupon!

Many businesses have now realized that email is an old and unreliable way of generating sales. In our world of instant communication and gratification, we need to reach our customers where they live - next to their cell phones. Here is a link to a service that offers you the ability to put coupons in your customers' pockets instantly via text messages. Check it out.

    Coupon Text delivers highly targeted text message marketing to small businesses. Our mobile marketing campaigns draw better results than other forms of advertising.
  • Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    Don't Miss the Final Two Biz Ed Seminars

    Our "Back to (Business) School" Seminar series has two remaining. On Tuesday August 23 the topic will be "Fast Financials". The seminar will be led by Roger Corrigan of FREESTAR Bank and Mike Cohlman of Champion Fitness. They will share their insights on various financial matters related to small business including, business loans, financial reporting, Quickbooks, and the signs of a growing business.

    On Tuesday August 30, the topic will be related to protecting your work with patents. Norm Rittenhouse and Greg Benoit of EVT Global will share their insights as to how to protect your invention or product with a government patent. This can seem to be an enormous obstacle for small business owners, but Norm and Greg will offer some practical steps to make the process more manageable for small business owners.

    Both seminars will take place from 4:00-5:00 p.m. at the Farm Bureau Office in Pontiac. Please rsvp by sending a quick email to